Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me

What I'd rather do than talk about my b-day is just use it as an excuse to throw up my favorite Georgia pix of the last couple of months. Her b-day was a few weeks ago (6/2) and now that we're going public with baby #2 on its way (due mid-January), I figured I'd make it more about the kids.


AnnieB said...

Happy Birthday to You! I forgot to call! What a terrible sister! I love you so much!
I LOVE the pics of G! You made baby #2 public??? Where was I? I'll check Farrah's blog right now!
Congrats! I love you all!

Marilyn said...

What adorable pictures of Georgia. She is so darling. Hope you had a great birthday. Love you all so much. Mom

Natalie and Bryan said...

Whoa dude, kid #2! Congrats!